Sunday, July 22, 2018

Divinely Inspired Terms from the Baseball Dictionary

In each of the past five years, I’ve used my Dickson Baseball Encyclopedia to write an annual blog
about some of the more obscure terms related to our National Pastime. I’ve covered everything from animals to political terms. I’m a bit late in doing so this year, but it’s been a busy season. I’ve vacationed in Ireland and celebrated a milestone birthday. I’ve also spent most of the last three weeks in whirlwind preparations for a 13-day trip to Mozambique. In Mozambique, I’ll be helping out with my church’s orphan-care and church-planting ministries. It will be a fulfilling time, but I am going to miss baseball while I’m away. So, I thought I’d bring you the top Bible and churchy terms from the baseball dictionary. In alphabetical order, and leading off is:

Accept the Offering – to swing at the pitch. The job of the Hebrew temple priest.

Angel – a small white cloud that comes to the aid of a fielder by blocking the sun and therefore making it easier for him to catch a high fly ball.  Would a large white cloud be known as an Archangel?

Ascension (balloon ascension) – an occurrence in which a pitcher suddenly loses his control. The term was commonly framed in terms of spectators witnessing a balloon ascending. See also “Up in the Air”.  Had Jesus been a pitcher, it’s doubtful he would have had ascension problems.

Bag of Bones – extremely thing player. Or what Ezekiel called his famous vision.

Batting Out of Order – the act of a player who appears at the plate out of the proper place in the batting order. During a recent trip to Dublin, I viewed an old version of the four gospels called the Book of Kells in which the four authors, Matthew, John, Luke, and Mark, were batting out of order.

Bean Ball – a pitch thrown intentionally at a batter’s head for the purpose of either moving him away from the plate or to punish him, his team, or another player for something he has done. The first recorded bean ball took place in the fight between David and Goliath.

Beat the Bushes – to look for baseball talent in the minor (or bush) leagues. See Moses trying to put out a fire.

Bible Hitter – A hitter who swings at the first pitch “That feller is a dead first-ball hitter: Thou shall not pass”. With the rising strikeout rates in today’s game, there are more and more Bible hitters.

Body Armor – padded protective equipment worn by batters. Or what David shunned before battling Goliath.

Cardinal Sin – Gambling on baseball or issuing a walk to the pitcher. These transgressions can only be atoned for by sacrificing a bird from St. Louis.

Cross – to outguess an opposing team or player. What Christ did to the forces of hell at Golgotha.

Dying Quail – a pop fly that drops suddenly and unexpectedly, like a bird that has been shot on the wing. Or what the Israelites ate in the desert.

Early Man – A player who takes batting practice before the players who are in the starting lineup that day. Though not stated in Genesis, Adam was an early riser, eager to get started on his daily tasks of naming animals and tending his garden.

Fall off the Table – A curve ball with such a dramatic break that it appears to appears to “fall off of a table”. Or what the dogs waited for food to do in the parable of the Canaanite Women.

Fatted Calf – a player who is not in good physical condition. This is also what teams ate while celebrating their Jerusalem 40 and over rec-league softball championships.  

Give Oneself Up -- To hit the ball behind a teammate on base in an effort to bring him home or advance him to scoring position. This is obvious proof that baseball is divinely inspired. In no other sport are participants rewarded for modeling Christ’s love by placing others (the team) above self (the individual).

Green Cathedral – A baseball park, field, or stadium. The new Jerusalem as described in Revelation is purported to have a Green Cathedral in every neighborhood.

Muscular Christianity – The religious belief, primarily in the 1850s and 1860s that baseball could overcome a negative attitude toward recreational sports. Religious leaders invoked the vigorous physical activity of baseball as a source of moral instruction. Further proof that baseball is divinely inspired. Also there is no such thing as muscular soccer.

Rainmaker – A towering homerun, one that seems capable of rupturing a cloud and bringing rain. What Noah christened the ark two days before the downpour.

Sacrifice – a battled ball that advances a base runner at the expense of the batter being put out. The Old Testament’s method of atoning for sins. Usually a lamb, bull, sheep or bird. Jesus led the Nazareth Little League in sacrifice bunts each year.

Sacrifice Fly – A fly out or pop-up that is hit deep enough to advance a runner. Or when a bird purchased for sacrifice escapes before reaching the altar.

Sacrifice Hit – A bunt that moves a runner to the next base. Or how the priest would first render the sacrificial animal unconscious. Usually with a club or heavy stick.

Sacrifice Hitter – A hitter who makes a sacrifice bunt or fly. In the Old Testament, a sacrifice hitter was the temple priest. In the New Testament, it was the Roman soldiers.

Sacrifice Play – synonym of sacrifice hit. Or what the lambs and baby goats did in the fields before being taken to the temple for sacrifice.

“Say it ain’t so, Joe!” – The oft-heard lament in reference to Shoeless Joe Jackson that came to represent the 1919 Black Sox scandal in which the World Series was “fixed” to accommodate gamblers. Or what Joseph’s friends and family cried when they learned Mary was with child.

Take the Apple – Synonym of “feel the apple”. To choke under pressure. The term is in reference to one’s Adam’s apple. Also what Eve did for the first Cardinal Sin in the original Green Cathedral.

I can’t wait to go to a game when I get home. As they say in Mozambique, “Leva-me ao jogo de bola” (take me out to the ball game). 

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