Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Duck Dynasty Sermon

I’ve never seen an episode of Duck Dynasty. I’m sure you know by now, Papa Duck Phil Robertson has been all over the news for stating what he believes the Bible says about homosexuality in an interview with Gentlemen’s Quarterly magazine. A&E, the network that airs Duck Dynasty, has suspended him indefinitely. His picture has filled my Facebook page more than all of those Bitstrip comics. I want to see photos of my nieces and nephews. Not Phil and his scraggly beard.

This issue has dredged up so many things that I’m either just plain tired of, or don’t understand. The first thing that utterly baffles me is why in the world is GQ interviewing Phil Robertson in the first place? I mean, nothing says “GQ” more than rednecks in bandanas and camos. Phil and GQ go together like People Magazine’s “Sexiest Men of the Year” issue and me.

What I’m tired of the most is how this has become such a rivalry. I’m tired of all the animosity.
Christians vs. Homosexuals.
Liberal media vs. Conservatives.
Republicans vs. Democrats.

The only rivalries I want to read about are on the diamond or on the gridiron. Michigan and Ohio State is a rivalry. A few days ago I saw a news clip about a Republican congressman who is dealing with the recent death of his son. The senator, Jim Inofe, was surprised when his democratic colleagues offered him sympathy and condolences. Is this what our world has come to? We’re dismayed when someone from the “opposition” acts humanely. I’m tired of it.

Another thing I don’t understand is why are members of the media so interested in what Christians believe about homosexuality? Don’t you know by now, Mr. GQ reporter? Is it because you want to sell issues, and drive ratings, and create a social-media firestorm? Yeah, I thought so. Nice.

And you Mr. Robertson? What you said, albeit your personal beliefs, was mean and insensitive. Yes, you can say what you want. Freedom of Speech, blah, blah, blah. But, as a follower of Christ, how about mixing in some humility and love? How about quoting some of James and the Proverbs about taming the tongue and speaking with wisdom. Or how about not falling for the trap that interviewer set for you with his line of questioning. I believe you know a thing or two about hunting. Well that reporter had you in his sights like a duck floating on a pond.

I’m also tired of Christians and Christian groups waging wars of words with themselves over this issue. I read a blogger who wrote that Christians shouldn’t be up in arms over Robertson’s suspension because of bigger issues happening all over the world, like the 500 people who die in the Sudan every day.  Apparently somebody can’t do both. You can’t voice your opinion about a current news event here in the states, and at the same time devote your life to rescuing the Invisible Children in Uganda? I disagree.

I’m also tired of the self-righteousness of liberal Christian groups thinking they do a better job of loving the LGBT community and championing its rights and equality. Maybe they think they’re doing it in love, but often it sounds pompous and comes across as finger pointing. There’s a group on Facebook that I follow called the Christian Left. Many times this group uses satire to poke fun at the Christian Right. The group also blames the Right for the country’s woes and is quick to point out how wrong the Right is. This isn’t very Christian.

As my dear sister said to me the other day, it’s time everybody sat down and read the story Jesus told about the dude with the speck of sawdust in his eye.

The Christian Left Facebook page recently posted an image of a bible opened to a pair of blank pages titled, “What Jesus said about homosexuality.” So yeah, Jesus didn’t mention homosexuality. But He did mention sin. He told a woman caught in adultery to stop. He equated being angry with a brother to murder. He likened a man looking lustfully at a woman to adultery. I wonder if that applies to a man looking at a man lustfully, or a woman looking at another woman lustfully. Seems to me it should.

And when it comes to sin, why are Christians and the Liberal Media so freaking laser-eyed focused on homosexuality? Why not just focus on what the bible says about sin in general: THAT ALL MAN HAS SINNED. Straight or gay, why not worry about all of the other things that the Bible clearly says is sin: lust, gossip, greed, malice, slander, debauchery, drunkenness, to name only a few. And don’t forget a few of those all-important Ten Commandments: lying, checking out your neighbor’s wife, and drooling over your neighbor’s Lexus.

 It seems to me that the only one who should care about what the Bible says about homosexuality are those who are Christian and homosexual. If they truly are Christians, then they’re hopefully living according to what the Bible says about all areas of their lives. And it’s they’re prerogative to decide how to act sexually. It’s between them and God. This doesn’t mean that there can’t be debate and discussion on this issue. But the church, Right or Left of the pew, can no longer be judgmental or superior. The Liberal Media need to stopping trying to trap Christian celebrities and CEOs. They need to stop creating social media frenzies. They need to stop turning this issue into a war between rivals.

Now back to what the Bible says about sin. We’re all guilty. Everybody. You can buy that or not.

It says the penalty of sin is death. You can see your need to be rescued, saved, and redeemed from this death sentence or not.

It says that Jesus came as a baby, fully God and fully man, died a death that paid for your sins, and rose from the dead to show his power over death.

It says that anyone who believes in these things in the core of their hearts can be alive to God and dead to sin. Born into a new life, freed from the wages of sin. Reconciled with God. Loved by God as Father loves a son. Anybody.
Even an Ohio State Buckeye.

As the Herald Angels sang:
Mild lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.

Merry Christmas.